Monday, April 15, 2013

The Amazon Series - treatments and product available at Atsi Hair.

The Amazon Way - Pioneering a more natural professional smoothing remedy.

The Amazon Series has set out to bring awareness to the hair and beauty industry about health and wellness that can be achieved through natural, anti-oxidant rich ingredients.

Atsi Hair offers an in salon treatment for hair smoothing using the Amazon Products as well as selling their take home range.

Each product in the Amazon Series line contains extracts from many of the Amazon Rainforest’s amazing plants and fruits.

These amazing fruits and plants that contain antioxidants, vitamins and intense moisturizing capabilities have the capacity to eliminate free radicals and restore balance all while maintaining the integrity of being completely natural.

The health benefits of natural vegetation are widely unknown, and the Amazon Series is challenging the world to learn more about them.

Below is an example of the exceptional results achievable with an in salon Amazon Series Cysteine Treatment available at Atsi Hair.

In our next post about the Amazon Series we will review some frequently asked questions.
The Amazon Series of treatments and products are available at Atsi Hair in Freshwater. Please call us on 9939 5060 or drop into the salon at 14/12 Lawrence St Freshwater to arrange for a free consultation.